Relationship COUNSELLING
Welcome! We’re Serenne and Lauren. We’re Registered Clinical Counsellors who offer a mind-body-heart integrative approach to therapy. We help individuals and couples create happy, healthy relationships with themselves and their loved ones, care for anxiety and depression, and heal attachment and intergenerational trauma.
Couples therapy: We help couples work through emotional disconnect, ineffective communication patterns, and unresolved conflict so that you and your partner can build a healthy relationship based on secure attachment, emotional attunement and skillful, loving communication. We use a blend of Psychobiological Approach to Couples Therapy (PACT), The Developmental Model, Emotion Focused Therapy, neuroscience and coaching strategies in couples work. To learn more about couples counselling sessions, start here.
Individual therapy: We help clients care for anxiety, depression, self criticism, relationship issues, intergenerational trauma, chronic pain and endometriosis. Our approach is to create a safe, attuned space to explore both past and present factors impacting your wellbeing; process emotions and connect to core needs; and offer gentle mind-body practices to that strengthen inner resilience and stability. We integrate Attachment Based Therapy, Somatic Therapy, Internal Family Systems Therapy, Trauma-informed Therapy, and Mindful Self Compassion in our work. To learn more about individual counselling sessions, start here.
Healthy attachment is at the core of who we are and what we need to be well. Yet, relationships can heal us or wound us. Many of us have had relational experiences in which we were not cared for, attuned to, or loved in the ways we needed in order to have a stable sense of self, or learn the skills to build healthy relationships. These traumas leave emotional wounds and limit the ways we can relate to ourselves and others.
There is a saying in somatic therapy that symptoms are signals; they point towards what needs care. We have a strong non-pathologizing approach to our work and believe, as attachment research is increasingly proving, that symptoms reflect pain, not pathology.
Relational traumas show up in the body and mind as self criticism, anxiety, depression, physical pain, chronic anger or fear, shame or guilt, or a sense of disconnect to self and others. Emotional symptoms are painful and often confusing, but when we are able to listen to and meet the unmet emotional needs behind the pain, they subside.
If you are experiencing any of these signals, we can help. Relational traumas get healed in the supportive environment of safe relationships in which attunement, integration, and healing happens. Therapy is this kind of relationship - a non judgemental, encouraging, “safe holding space” in which we explore together who you are and what you need.
If you’d like to discuss how we can be of support to you, we would love to connect!
We’re looking forward to walking beside you on your journey!